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7 Natural Ways To Reduce Your Dog's Anxiety

Chewing, endless barking and moaning, peeing on the sofa… you name it!

These are common symptoms of separation anxiety in dogs.

Do puppies outgrow separation anxiety?

In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to deal with them in a natural, organic way.

But first I’m going to tell you a little story: 

When I came home one night, I was very surprised to find little pee puddles everywhere.

Lenni - my rescue dog back then - had never done it before, so for me this was something totally new.

It happened a few times and I had to get to the bottom of it.

After reading hundreds of articles and posts on dog training, my head was overloaded with information, and I still didn’t know what to do with it. 

I noticed that my furry friend Lenni was very upset and anxious every time I left the house, so I started working with him and building up trust, and the incidents stopped happening.

It was very clear to me from the beginning that I wanted to go the natural way when it came down to the training process for my dog.

I soon came to discover that training your dog naturally requires lots of patience and hard work, but it was also so very rewarding.

So, let’s get into it! 

First, we have to understand where your dog's separation anxiety is coming from.

Does your dog break your stuff while you’re gone?

Does he get panic attacks when you pick up the keys?

Do loud noises scare him and make him go crazy?

If your dog exhibits any of these signs, he is most likely suffering from anxiety.

Don’t panic now!

Anxiety is the most common root cause of behavioral issues in pets.

So, how do we fix poor behavior? 

Related: Should My Dog Sleep on My Bed?

do puppies outgrow separation anxiety

Why you should ditch conventional medication for dog anxiety?

Did you know that dogs very often get human medication prescribed?

Don’t get me wrong.

If there are any health issues, of course, your pet should be treated!

But treating anxiety (or any trainable issues) with meds is not the solution.

Giving your dog pills when he doesn’t need them can have strong side effects as well as long-term symptoms, like lethargy and memory loss, upset stomach, liver damage, insomnia… 

We strongly believe in the natural ways of behavioral training.

The combination of the right external and internal factors will result in the right actions.

Your dog’s behavior is strongly linked to his emotions in a natural way that creates balance, regulates stress and excitement.

So basically: the happier the dog, the better its behavior! 

The first step towards successfully training your dog’s anxiety away is primarily identifying the triggers that are causing him to feel this way. 

Every doggie is different, so it’s very important to understand that there’s no magic formula or pill that will work for every dog.

Take the time to get to know your Fluffy Friend. 

Now we have to think about the causes and signs of separation anxiety.

Common signs of dog separation anxiety include chewing (destructive behaviour), excessive barking and crying, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, shaking, excessive panting, and licking. 

The most common causes for these signs of anxiety are separation, past trauma and abuse or adaptation to a new home.

Other situational causes would be going to the vet, hearing fireworks, going on a car ride, etc.

Related: What To Do if Your Dog Has Anxiety

do puppies outgrow separation anxiety

Once you’ve identified the signs and their cause, it’s time for our...

7 tips to reduce your pet’s anxiety, naturally!

  1. Play outside, relax at home

    It's a good idea to keep these two separated is really beneficial.

    With time and consistency, your dog will understand that being at home means being calm.

    For this, make sure you’re creating a safe space where your dog can fully relax and stay relaxed, apart from your bed or couch.

    Dogs react to emotional state around them, so giving him his own safe place adds structure to his life.

    This can be a cushion next to your bed or a dog bed in the living room where they feel totally in their energy.

    You can encourage him to chill there with treats, always rewarding and positively reinforcing the relaxed and calm behavior.

  2. No fuss, no stress

    This one is about desensitizing your dog long term to his trigger and training him to associate these same stressors with new, positive experiences.

    If your dog gets anxious when he notices you’re leaving, normalize the activities you do before you leave, but without leaving.

    Pick up your keys, put on the coat and your shoes, then sit on the couch and chill.

    Put the things somewhere else over the course of the day.

    This way your dog will stop freaking out when you’re getting ready.

    You can also practice going out without him, gradually increasing the time of your absence.

    This way, you're creating a consistent routine and he’ll get used to you always coming back.

    It’s all about building up trust and transmitting that everything’s okay, even in his trigger situations.

  3. Everything starts in the gut…

    Having the right diet is crucial for your pet for a number of different things.

    Having all the important nutrients doesn’t only show in the fur, nails and skin - what happens beneath all that is really the interesting part!

    The chemicals and bacteria that are responsible for your dog’s actions actually get regulated in the gut.

    Nowadays, there are various ways to feed your dog (BARFing, natural cooking, kibble and wet food, vegan feeding…).

    In the end, there’s only one thing that matters: how does your pet feel after eating?

    Take a close look and analyze which foods are the best for YOUR dog.

    Naturally, canines need high-protein-low-carb food, but, as I always say, every doggie is different!

  4. Exercise the body and the mind

    The best way to have your canine companion calm and relaxed is to give him plenty of exercise, both physically and mentally.

    Mental stimulation plays a huge part in your dog’s behavior and can be achieved by something as simple as playing a game; you just have to find out what he likes playing the most!

    Here some easy examples:

    - A food dispensing chew toy or puzzle toy can help keep your doggie occupied for a while.

    - Letting him sniff and explore during walks will also keep him busy, as it’s a process of communication and information exchange that offers him new experiences.

    - Teaching him tricks will not only keep him mentally stimulated, but also interested in you, building up trust!

    - You can do nose work at home, teaching him the cue to go and find something that you’ve hidden prior.

  5. Let him sleep!

    Did you know that adult dogs need an average of 14 hours of sleep?

    And that young dogs might need up to 20?

    Keeping your dog deprived of sleep has a huge effect on his mood.

    Make sure your fluff has his own bed, where he can lay undisturbed, away from daily hectic situations.

    A great tip is also to give your dog alone time by letting him sleep without touching or petting him.

    Some people get grumpy when woken up constantly, and dogs feel exactly the same!

    A dog’s bed should be fluffy and enable him to rest his head and neck comfortably.

  6. Look for alternative therapies

    There have been multiple studies on how your dog can benefit from alternative healing methods like the use of music, essential oils, acupuncture, CBD oil, or pheromone extracts.

    Stress in dogs can also be treated with melatonin, a natural sleeping hormone that helps pets stay calm short-term (a car ride, during a thunderstorm…) 


    Before trying out any of these supplements, pet owners should talk to your vet about the dosing and using methods.

    You should never use essential oils directly on your pet, but rather on the fabric or cushion where he rests.

    CBD does not contain THC and therefore does not get your pet “high.”

    When used properly, CBD may help calm your dog, and reduce pain and inflammation.

  7. Train the dog trainer!

    The calmer you stay, the calmer your dog will be too!

    As I mentioned before, dogs are very sensitive to the emotions of their pet parents.

    Training your dog the natural way means spending a lot of time and energy on him, and this can sometimes be frustrating!

    During your training sessions, make sure that you do it with an open mind and heart.

    Try to understand your dog’s behavior first and identify his triggers, instead of reacting in a way that he won’t comprehend.
do puppies outgrow separation anxiety

As you can see, this post focuses mostly on understanding your Fluffy Friend and the root cause of his separation anxiety symptoms.

I always say: every doggie is different!

This means it will be a matter of time and practice to find out which techniques work best for you and your hairy pal. 

We want to encourage you to try some of our natural tips out - we’re happy to receive your feedback in our comment section!

Stay Fluffy,

your MrFluffyFriend team

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  • My beautiful German Shepherd/Huskey mix has what must be the worst separation anxiety ever. Growing up with German Shepherds I expected an easy to train companion. We bonded very quickly. He was three and half when I found him I found at our local shelter. I was looking for a puppy as we always trained our dogs as soon as they were were ready. Rocky was the only dog that wasn’t barking incessantly in the kennels and very calm when he approached the front of the kennel as if he was really glad to see me. I asked him if could sit for me which he did instantly. I was all in at that point! I asked if I could walk him and found him to be a perfect gentleman with a very sweet disposition. None of that has changed. Since the very beginning we have been a pair. He is a very loving dog and has never met anyone he doesn’t love. I am retired so I’m mostly home and take him with me whenever possible. The first time i left him home while I was gone for two and half hours Sunday worship he went berserk. Clear off my kitchen counters in an attempt to reach the windows ripping the blinds down and destroying them. My first reaction was a screaming tyraid. He didn’t run and hide but sat there with a “who me” look. I promptly bought a extra large crate for him recognizing his insecurity. The next time I was gone he defeated the latches on the crate, destroyed the blinds and drapes in the den destroying everything in his way. He also destroyed his pricey bed this time. I put him outside for awhile while i cleaned up. The next time I needed to leave him I padlocked the latches on his crate. He completely destroyed his steel crate! He then attacked a bathroom with a faulty latch making a terrible mess and somehow got in and back out of the clawfoot tub after turning the water on. Since then I have taken him to Doggie Day Camp whenever I have to leave. On days that I will be gone after closing I take him to the Pet Hotel and pick him up in the morning. I am on Social Security and really can’t afford to do this. I also will not dump him at a shelter. I know he was terribly hurt being surrendered by his previous family. We may end up homeless!

    Ann Maisano
  • Very interesting post!
    MrFluffyFriend™ replied:
    Hi Blaire!

    Thank you!

    Check out the blog for more posts on caring for your pets!

    —From Your MrFluffyFriend Team!

    Blair Smith
  • I love your products, articles. I am retired and my husband recently passes away. I had to regime my last beloved Black lab and two precious cats. To good, loving homes. I miss all the sweet animals we adopted and loved everyday of their life. They all slept with us over the years, but would have loved these cosy beds. I wish We had known about your company. I’ll share your ads with everyone and I am going to order my Granddogs a giant one when you get lt gray back in! ♥️♥️

    Linda Savell Smith
  • Good helpful article!

    Don Hinkle
  • Just ordered 1 for my nervous Nellie living with a house full of Yorkies when their comfy at nite mom gets to sleep So we’ll see how calming I may just fill a room with these beds They look well made & designed by people who love dogs. Can’t beat that & to find a co who enjoy what they do for animals is a win with me. Thank U all 🐾🐾💜


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