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Why Does My Dog Sniff His Food and Walk Away?

"Why does my dog sniff his food and walk away?"

Dog owners have asked this question especially when their pets seem uninterested in their food.

You might have noticed your Fluffy Friend giving their food bowl a thorough sniff before walking away.

It can be puzzling and even concerning, especially if it happens regularly.

Let’s dive into the reasons behind this curious dog behavior.

We'll explore whether it’s a normal behavior or something that might need a little more attention.

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why does my dog sniff his food and walk away

The Power of a Dog’s Nose: More Than Just a Sniff

A dog's sense of smell is amazing!

Their olfactory receptors far surpass human noses.

Their powerful nose allows them to process information about the world in ways we can only imagine.

In fact, their sense of smell is so keen that they can detect subtle odors.

They can smell scent molecules from food or even the traces of something you cooked last night.

Unfamiliar Scent:

why does my dog sniff his food and walk away

One reason your dog might sniff their food and walk away could be their nose picking up on an unfamiliar scent.

Modern dogs, especially those with extra scent receptors, are very sensitive to changes in their environment.

A new scent, whether from a recent food delivery service or table scraps mixed in with their regular food, might cause them to hesitate.

It's also possible that their food and water bowls held a lingering scent from old food.

Food Quality:

If the food has gone bad or has a strange smell, it might be putting your dog off.

Dogs can be very sensitive to changes in the smell and quality of their food.

Jacobson’s Organ: A Special Tool for Sniffing

Jacobson’s organ, or the vomeronasal organ, can be found in the roof of a dog's mouth.

This special organ helps them detect pheromones and other subtle scents.

When your dog sniffs their food, they may be using Jacobson’s organ to know what’s in the bowl.

This could be why they take their time before deciding whether to eat.

Related: Best Bowls for Dogs: A Comprehensive Guide

Medical Issues: Could There Be an Underlying Problem?

If your dog always sniffs their food and then walks away, it might be a good idea to consider whether there’s a medical problem at play.

Dental Problems:

Painful teeth or gums can make eating uncomfortable.

Check for signs of dental issues if your dog is frequently avoiding food.

Loss of Appetite:

A loss of appetite could be because of a health issue.

Look out for other signs of illness and consult a veterinarian if the behavior persists.

Fearful Dogs:

Fearful dogs might be hesitant to approach their food bowl if they associate it with something negative.

This could be due to a traumatic experience or a fear of loud noises around mealtime.

Older Dogs:

Aging dogs might experience changes in their sense of smell or appetite.

Adjusting the food’s texture or flavor can sometimes help.

Picky Eaters and Food Aggression: Understanding Dog Behavior

Sometimes, a dog’s need to sniff and walk away is simply a sign of being a fussy eater.

Picky Eater:

why does my dog sniff his food and walk away

Like humans, dogs can develop preferences for certain foods.

If your dog is a fussy eater, try offering different types of food or presenting it in a new way.

Food Aggression:

why does my dog sniff his food and walk away

Some dogs may sniff their food as a way to assert dominance, especially if there are other pets around.

Training and behavior modification can help address food aggression.

Environmental Factors: How Location and Scent Play a Role

The environment where your dog eats can also influence their behavior.

why does my dog sniff his food and walk away

Different Location:

If you place the food bowl in a new location or if a new scent fills the air, your dog might become distracted.

Returning the bowl to its original place or ensuring a calm eating area might help.

Environmental Distractions:

Scents from outside, like tree trunks or fire hydrants, or even lingering smells of human food can distract your dog.

Related: Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds According to Science

What You Can Do: Tips for Pet Owners

As pet owners, it’s important to understand the key thing driving your dog’s behavior.

If your dog keeps sniffing their food and walking away, try the following:

  • Offer a little bit of a different food or present their meal in a new, more enticing way.
  • Ensure a calm, distraction-free environment during mealtimes.
  • Seek advice from a veterinary medicine professional if you suspect a medical issue or behavioral problem.

Enhancing Mealtime with Adjustable Bowls: A Practical Solution

If your dog sniffs their food and walks away, it might be time to consider the impact of the food bowl itself.

For many pet owners, the solution could lie in using an adjustable bowl that caters to their dog’s unique needs and preferences.

Adjustable Bowls for a Better Mealtime Experience

At MrFluffyFriend, we have an Adjustable Bowl designed to improve mealtime for your pup.

Here are some of the reasons why an Adjustable Bowl can have a significant impact on your dog’s eating habits, especially if they're hesitant to approach their food.

Benefits of Using Adjustable Bowls

why does my dog sniff his food and walk away
  1. Promotes Comfortable Eating Posture:

Adjustable bowls let you set the right height for your dog thereby reducing strain on their neck and back.

  1. Easier Access for Older Dogs:

If you have an older dog, adjustable bowls can be a game-changer.

This goes the same for dogs with mobility issues.

These bowls make it easier for them to access their food without having to bend down too much.

  1. Versatility and Convenience:

Adjustable bowls have flexible heights and angles.

This makes them perfect for different types of food and varying dog sizes.

By adding an adjustable bowl into your dog’s feeding routine, you might find that their reluctance to eat decreases.

For more information on our adjustable bowls and feeders, check out our Adjustable Dog Bowl here.

Related: Dog Feeding 101: Choose the Right Food for Your Dog

why does my dog sniff his food and walk away


At the end of the day, every dog has their quirks.

Whether it’s sniffing walks around the food bowl or taking their time to eat, these behaviors are what makes our four-legged friends so special.

Understanding and accommodating these habits is the best way to keep your dog healthy and happy.

It also ensures that mealtime is a positive experience for both you and your dog.

Looking for some products that could help you out?

Check out our Online Shop!

Here’s a useful product in relation to this blog post:

MrFluffyFriend - Adjustable Dog Bowls

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