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100+ Irish Names for Dogs: Mythical, Lucky & Unique

Are you looking for Irish names for dogs?

You’re in luck because we've got 100+ fun and unique Irish names for you.

happy st patricks day with a puppy inside a basket

From funny to magical, these names will make your new dog feel like a true Irish legend.

Plus, with St. Patrick’s Day coming up, it’s a great way to celebrate!

Why Pick an Irish Name?

The Emerald Isle is full of great names inspired by history, myths, and nature.

Some Irish dog names mean strong, some mean brave, and some are just super fun to say! 

Giving your four-legged friend an Irish name is a wonderful way to honor Ireland's rich culture and history. 

Plus, Gaelic names sound amazing and might even bring your Fluffy Friend a little extra good luck.

How to Pick the Best Irish-Inspired Name for Your Pup

black and white dog with 4 leaf clover bandana
  • Think about your pup's personality – A big, brave dog might suit Finn, while a sweet pup could be Niamh.
  • Look at their physical characteristics – A golden dog might be Orla, and a black pup could be Dubh!
  • Choose a name that’s easy to say – Short names like Bán and Rory are simple for your pup to learn.
  • Try calling your dog's name – If your pup responds to Seamus with excitement, then it's a perfect fit!

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Warrior & Heroic Names

Name Meaning
Amergin (AH-mur-gin) A legendary bard and warrior.
Brian Boru (BREE-an BOH-roo) A great high king of Ireland.
Cairbre (CAR-bra) A warrior who fought alongside the Fianna.
Cathal (KA-hal) Means battle ruler.
Ciarán (KEER-awn) Means dark-haired warrior.
Conall (KUN-al) A hero known for bravery.
Cormac (KOR-mak) A wise high king of Ireland.
Cú Chulainn (Koo KUL-in) A legendary warrior called the Hound of Ulster.
Diarmaid (DEER-mid) A warrior under a love spell.
Fergus (FER-gus) Means strong man.
Fiachra (FEE-akh-ra) A warrior in Irish legends.
Finn (FIN) Means fair-haired.
Fionn (FYUN) A famous hero’s name meaning fair or white.
Laoghaire (LEER-a) A famous warrior and king.
Lugh (LOO) A warrior god of battles.
Medb (MAYV) A legendary warrior queen.
Morrigan (MOR-ri-gan) Goddess of war and fate.
Nuada (NOO-a-da) A king with a silver arm.
Oisín (UH-sheen) A great hero of the Fianna warriors.
Oscar (OS-kar) Means deer lover.
Rory (ROAR-ee) Means red king.
Setanta (She-TAN-ta) Cú Chulainn’s name before his famous title.
Tadhg (TIGE) Means poet, linked to warriors.
Turlough (TUR-loh) Means helper of the people.
Donnacha (DON-a-ka) Means brown warrior.
Eoghan (OH-en) Means young warrior.
Nessa (NESS-a) A warrior’s name.

Popular Irish Dog Names

Name Description
Aisling (ASH-ling) Means dream or vision.
Bran (BRAN) Means raven.
Callum (KAL-um) Means dove, a symbol of peace.
Ciara (KEE-ra) Means dark-haired.
Cillian (KIL-ee-an) Means little church.
Connor (KON-or) Means lover of hounds.
Dearbhla (DERV-la) Means true desire.
Fidelma (Fi-DEL-ma) Means beauty and truth.
Lorcan (LOR-kan) Means little fierce one.
Murphy (MUR-fee) Means sea warrior.
Niamh (NEE-av) Means bright or radiant.
Orla (OR-la) Means golden princess.
Paddy (PAD-ee) Named after St. Patrick!
Róisín (ROH-sheen) Means little rose.
Ryan (RYE-an) Means little king.
Saoirse (SEER-sha) Means freedom.
Seamus (SHAY-mus) The Irish form of James.
Siobhan (SHIV-awn) Means God is gracious.

Nature, Essence & Unique Irish Names

Name Description
Airmed (AIR-med) A goddess of healing.
Aran (AR-an) Inspired by the Aran Islands.
Ash (ASH) A strong tree in Ireland.
Bán (Bawn) Means white.
Banshee (BAN-shee) A spirit in Irish folklore.
Bébinn (BAY-vin) A goddess of birth and fairies.
Birch (BURCH) A tree linked to renewal and strength.
Bog (BOG) Inspired by Ireland’s marshy lands.
Boann (BOO-an) Goddess of the River Boyne.
Breeze (BREEZ) Reflecting Ireland’s fresh winds.
Cáca (KAW-ka) Means cake, may not fit the theme.
Cashel (KA-shel) From the Rock of Cashel.
Celt (KELT) Refers to the ancient Celtic people.
Ceol (KYOL) Means music.
Clare (KLAIR) A region in Ireland.
Cliodhna (CLEE-na) A fairy queen of beauty.
Cró (KROH) Means deep red.
Danu (DAH-noo) The mother of all gods.
Dingle (DING-gul) A picturesque town in Kerry.
Draíocht (DREE-acht) Means magic or enchantment.
Dubh (Doo) Means black.
Earrach (AIR-akh) Means spring.
Ériu (AIR-yoo) The goddess Ireland is named after.
Étaín (AY-teen) A beautiful fairy from Celtic myths.
Féile (FAY-la) Means festival or celebration.
Fómhar (FOH-var) Means autumn.
Fonn (FUN) Means tune or melody.
Galway (GAL-way) A city rich in culture.
Geimhreadh (GIM-rah) Means winter.
Grá (GRAW) Means love.
Greine (GRAIN-ya) Means bright or radiant.
Hazel (HAY-zul) A sacred tree in Irish lore.
Kerry (KER-ree) A county famous for landscapes.
Kinsale (KIN-sail) A charming coastal town.
Lá (LAW) Means day.
Lán (LAWN) Means full or abundant.
Liffey (LIF-ee) Named after the River Liffey.
Macha (MAH-ka) A fierce goddess of war and horses.
Máthair (MAH-hir) Means mother.
Mí (MEE) Means month.
Mist (MIST) Inspired by Ireland’s mystical fog.
Puca (POO-ka) A mischievous spirit in folklore.
Rowan (ROH-an) A lucky red tree.
Rua (ROO-a) Means red-haired.
Seachtain (SHOCK-tin) Means week.
Selkie (SEL-kee) A mythical seal that turns human.
Shannon (SHAN-un) Ireland’s longest river.
Sídhe (SHEE) Refers to the fairy folk.
Sionnach (SHUN-ukh) Means fox.
Slane (SLAYN) A hill where St. Patrick lit his fire.
Suantraí (SWAN-tree) Means lullaby.
Súil (SOOL) Means eye.
Tara (TAR-a) A historic royal site in Ireland.
Tir (TEER) Means land or territory.
Tonn (TUN) Means wave.
Torin (TOR-in) Means chief or thunder.
Trá (TRAW) Means beach.
Tuathal (TOO-a-hal) A legendary Irish king’s name.
Uathach (OO-ah-thakh) A warrior woman from myth.
Uisce (ISH-ka) Means water.
Ultan (UL-tan) Means Ulsterman.
Vail (VAYL) Inspired by the Irish landscape.
Ventry (VEN-tree) A coastal village.
Whiskey (WHIS-kee) Ireland’s famous drink.
Wicklow (WIK-low) A scenic county in Ireland.
Wren (REN) A sacred Irish bird.
Yarrow (YAR-oh) A plant with healing properties in Irish folklore.

Related: Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with Your Pet

The Perfect Irish Name for Your Dog’s Breed

Certain Irish names fit different dog breeds paw-fectly! 

Check these out:

irish water spaniel in green grass
  • Irish Wolfhound: – Big, strong names like Cú Chulainn, Fergus, or Nuada match their legendary size!
  • Irish Setter: These red-coated beauties suit names like Rua, Ciara, or Rowan!
  • Kerry Blue Terrier: How about Kerry or Shannon?
  • Irish Terrier: Feisty and full of energy—Tadhg, Rory, or Saoirse would be perfect!
  • Glen of Imaal Terrier: Small but mighty, they rock names like Conall or Brigid!
  • Irish Water Spaniel: These water lovers would suit names like Liffey or Shannon—both Irish rivers!
  • Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier: Their golden coats shine with names like Fionn, Orla, or Bán.

St. Patrick’s Day Fun With Your Irish-Named Dog! 🎉

dog with a st patricks day costume
  • Throw a doggy party where all the pups wear green bandanas—creating adorable memories together!
  • Capture photos of your furry friend with shamrocks and Irish flags for social media-worthy #LuckyDog moments. After all the excitement, they'll love recharging in a cozy pet bed.
  • Many towns host St. Patrick's Day pet parades—a perfect opportunity to show off your pup! If the weather’s warm, a cooling mat keeps them comfortable.
  • Grab some festive dog-safe green treats—they'll love the special attention. Serve their St. Paddy's Day feast in an elevated bowl that makes dining as special as the occasion.

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Final Thoughts

cat with blue luggage

Giving your dog an Irish-inspired name is a fun way to celebrate Irish roots.

Whether you love Irish heritage, Gaelic dog names, or just want a unique name, this list has plenty of ideas for your new puppy or adult dog.

We’d love to hear from you!

What Irish name did you choose for your dog, or which one is your favorite from our list?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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