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How To Deal With Jealous Dog Breeds

For us dog owners, there's no doubt that our Fluffy Friends bring immense joy and love into our lives.

Yet, like their pet parents, dogs can experience various emotions, including jealousy.

jealous dog breeds

If you've ever owned a breed known for their strong attachment, you might have seen dog jealousy in action.

It's common to see your pup sulking or acting out when they feel they're not getting enough attention.

Dealing with jealousy in dogs, especially in breeds predisposed to it, can be challenging.

Still, it's an essential aspect of responsible pet ownership.

Join us as we explore the fascinating world of jealous dog breeds!

We'll answer why they exhibit such behaviour, the signs, and how to manage their jealousy.

Causes of Dog Jealousy

jealous dog breeds


Like human jealousy, dog jealousy comes from a complex mix of emotions and instincts.

It typically arises when a dog sees a threat to their status or the resources they value.

These can be their owner's attention, affection, or possessions.

Common triggers include the introduction of a new pet or family member.

Some include changes in routines or even the presence of other dogs or animals nearby.

Loyal dogs, known for their strong bond with their owners, may be more prone to jealousy.

This is because they often form deep emotional bonds and are sensitive to environmental changes.

Thus, understanding these triggers is essential for managing and addressing jealousy in dogs.

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Signs of A Jealous Dog

Knowing the common signs of jealousy is the first step toward developing an effective strategy for dealing with the problem.

A dog's jealousy may start off as a "cute" quirk but can quickly become destructive.

Dog parents should watch out for the following envious behaviours:

1.   Attention Seeking

If your dog does tricks on their own, it may mean they're jealous.

They want to get your attention.

Most behaviourists agree that a dog's territorial instincts are linked to their jealousy.

They act out when a dog fears being replaced by a new person or dog.

A great way to manage this is to be patient with your dog.

Also, don't be afraid to ask a trained animal behaviourist or dog trainer for help if you're having trouble getting your dog to behave.

There's nothing wrong with admitting that you and your dog need professional help.

2.   Aggressive Behaviour

jealous dog breeds


If your dog is jealous of a new pet or a new partner, they'll act aggressively towards them.

This violent behaviour can come out in many ways.

You might notice biting, barking, nipping, or jumping.

You need to show them it's not okay without getting aggressive.

It's important to know that the dog doesn't dislike the person or pet because of anything personal.

They just worry that this stranger might make them lose their place in the house.



3.   Resource Guarding

Most behaviourists agree that resource guarding is where most jealous dogs start.

Your home is where they get food, drink, a place to play, and toys.

If a new dog comes into the picture, your pup’s brain tells them that the new puppy might take away all these resources.

You might notice that they hide their toys when the person they're jealous of is nearby.

They may act strangely near where they eat.

When their owners seem to pet other dogs, jealous pups sometimes pull hard on their leashes.

No matter what, a jealous pooch will tell you if something’s wrong.

4.   Possessive Dog

Jealousy is clear from the way a dog is protective or pushy.

For example, if you and your partner are cuddling up to watch a TV show and your dog keeps getting in the way, there's a clear problem.

Your dog would whine, look at you sadly, and jump on your lap whenever possible.

5.   Destructive Behaviour

jealous dog breeds

Jealousy could be the reason why a well-behaved dog starts to scratch or bite at your furniture.

It’s crucial to know the difference between destructive behaviour and redirected excitement.

When companion dogs don't feel like they’re getting the extra attention they need, they may do something destructive.

6.   Inappropriate Elimination

Peeing or pooping inside can be annoying, but it may be a sign of jealousy.

Your dog has to find clever ways to get your attention.

Unfortunately, inappropriate elimination may be one of these ways.

Then again, you shouldn't rule out that this is a sign of a health issue.

Still, in most cases, it's a behaviour issue you need to deal with.

Related: 15 Fluffy Dog Breeds You'll Want to Cuddle

Jealous Dog Breeds

As we've mentioned earlier, some breeds of dogs are predisposed to jealousy.

Some of these breeds are:

  • American Pitbull Terriers
  • Australian Shepherds
  • Border Collies
  • Boston Terriers
  • Brussels Griffons
  • Cocker Spaniels
  • French Bulldogs
  • German Shepherds
  • Golden Retrievers
  • Labrador Retrievers

Most of the time, jealous dogs are sad dogs trying to tell you something.

Find ways to stop this behaviour if you see it.

With consistent training and good reinforcement, you can manage jealousy.

Also, try giving your jealous puppy as much care as possible.

How to Stop Jealous Behaviours

jealous dog breeds


Stopping jealous behaviours in your dog requires patience and a well-thought-out approach.

Here are some top tips to help curb jealousy:

1.   Positive Reinforcement

Reward your dog for calm and non-jealous behaviour.

This encourages them to associate good behaviour with positive outcomes.

2.   Equal Attention

If you have a multi-pet household, ensure you distribute attention fairly among all your pets.

It’s a good idea to make time for one-on-one interactions with each to prevent feelings of jealousy.

3.   Training

Invest time in obedience dog training to establish clear boundaries and commands.

This can help your dog focus on you and reduce anxious behaviours.

4.   Desensitization

Try to expose your dog to instances that trigger jealousy.

These can be interactions with other dogs or family members.

Reward them for remaining calm during these encounters.

5.   Distraction

Offer toys, puzzles, or treats to keep your dog occupied when you can't give them immediate attention.

6.   Consistency

Maintain a consistent daily routine to reduce stress and uncertainty for your dog.

7.   Professional Help

Consult a professional dog trainer or behaviourist if jealousy becomes severe or unmanageable.

Implementing these strategies can help your jealous dog learn to cope with their emotions.

Related: Learning About Service Dogs

jealous dog breeds


As a dog lover, dealing with jealous dog breeds requires patience, consistency, and understanding.

The best way to help your pup is to recognise the triggers.

Every dog is unique, so tailor your approach to their emotional needs.

You can create a loving relationship with your jealous Fluffy Friend with time and effort.

Looking for some products that could help you out?

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Here are some useful products in relation to this blog post:

MrFluffyFriend - Adjustable Dog Bowls

MrFluffyFriend - Anxiety Relieving Pet Bed


  • My year old 100+ male Rotterdam started showing aggression around his kennel and especially when we fed him towards our little dogs. He was only 12 weeks old when I got him shortly after I lost my husband to feel safe. I have a 14 year old Min- Pin, 10 year old Min-Pin, and a 3 year old French Bulldog which are all girls. He always played with the Bull dog and quickly became best friends. They all spent time with me together. They sat on the couch together and even took naps with me on my bed. I just got him fixed about a month ago hoping to stop his aggressive and wild behavior. It didn’t so far and his jealousy over all my time alone has worsened. I’m afraid he is going to seriously hurt one of them. But he will also want to play at times with Frenchie. One time he wants to play tug of war with her and then gets aggressive when she wants to play the next. I love him so much, but I’m afraid he is going to hurt her or the others.
    MrFluffyFriend™ replied:
    Hi Krysti,

    Was there a significant change (like moving) before his aggressive behavior? What did the vet say when you had him neutered?

    Krysti Atwater
  • i have a year and a half female shitzu and is very jealous of my 14 year old maltese-poo female dog. my 14 year dog is blind and deaf so it doesnt matter to her, over looks the shitzu, doesnt seem to care on whats going on. i worry the shitzu could hurt the maltese-poo. so i try to separate them, which sometimes its not as easy as it seems
    MrFluffyFriend™ replied:
    Hey Nina,

    While Shih Tzus are not generally jealous types, they may demonstrate some jealous behaviors. It’s a good idea to separate them from time to time but it’s also a good idea for your Shih to learn how to live (we hope peacefully) with your Maltese Poo. A specialist like a dog behaviourist might help. :)

    nina castillo

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