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Spaying and Neutering: We Help You Decide

You may have already considered spaying and neutering your pets, but you're unsure if this is a wise decision.

You're not alone in this, as many pet owners receive conflicting advice regarding the necessity of pet neutering and spaying.

Spaying and Neutering, MrFluffyfriend
If you're still undecided, this blog post will look at the surgery process, the pros and cons of spaying and neutering, and if you should allow your pets to be neutered or spayed so you can make the best decision. 

What are Spaying and Neutering?

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), a spay or ovariohysterectomy surgically removes a female cat or dog's uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.

The female pet is rendered infertile.

Also, behaviours associated with the breeding instinct, such as heat cycles, are eliminated.

Further, AVMA defines neuter orchiectomy as removing a male cat or dog's testes. Similar to spaying, neutering pets also eliminates breeding behaviours.

However, other alternatives to spaying and neutering are as follows:

  • Vasectomy: The only organ removed is the vas deferens, which transports sperm from the testes. The dog or cat cannot reproduce after this surgery, but the testes will continue to generate hormones. The breeding instinct could still manifest.

  • Hysterectomy: In female cats or dogs, the uterus and a portion of the fallopian tubes are removed. Their ovaries are still present and will continue to generate hormones, but she can't reproduce. The behaviours of the dog or cat linked to the breeding instinct could still exist after this.

  • Ovariectomy: A female dog or cat's uterus removing the ovaries while keeping the uterus. This surgery renders them incapable of procreating. Breeding instinct-related behaviour and heat cycle are also eliminated.

  • Non-surgical Sterilization: Several FDA-approved products can be used as short-term contraceptives, help prohibit sperm production, or suppress libido and fertility. As listed on the Alliance for Contraception in Cats and Dogs website, these medications are calcium chloride injectable, deslorelin acetate, and megestrol acetate.

    Related: Dog Training 101: How To Make the Most Out of It!

    Pros and Cons of Spaying and Neutering

    Pros of Spaying

    Spaying and Neutering, MrFluffyfriend
    • Removes the risk of unwanted litters

    Finding homes for a new pet is more complicated than you may imagine.

    Even if you decide to keep the babies, you must allocate space, time, and money for pet needs like food, toys, parasite treatment, veterinary care, and vaccinations. 

    The mother's health may be at risk during birth as some new mothers may experience significant difficulties giving birth.

    Some may even experience health issues during feeding.

    You can prevent these potential issues by having your Fluffy Friend spayed.

    • Limits the desire to roam

    Animals no longer desire to travel in search of a mate if they are spayed.

    Therefore, they stay home and are less likely to be involved in accidents. 

    • Reduces health problems

    Spayed female animals have a lower uterine, ovarian, or reproductive tract cancer risk—also, spaying guards against uterine infections.

    Additionally, spaying them before they turns 2.5 years old lowers the risk of developing breast cancer.

    The risk of having breast cancer for pups increases while their heat periods increase.

    • Improves cleanliness and mood

    Additionally, spay surgery reduces messy spotting, and since there will be no heat cycles, your pets are calmer and will no longer attract other dogs or cats.

    Cons of Spaying

    Spaying and Neutering, MrFluffyfriend 
    • Sterilisation

    Sterilization means your pet won't be pregnant, and you won't have kittens or puppies.

    Thus, the lineage ends.

    • Likelihood of weight gain

    Spayed cats and dogs may have weight gain as they age.

    They would need to exercise or diet to lose weight.

    Reducing food consumption or upping your pet's exercise level will prevent weight gain.

    • Possibility of hypothyroidism

    Spaying your furball opens their to the possibility of hypothyroidism due to the surgery's impact on the endocrine system.

    Even with a healthy diet, a female dog with low thyroid levels will gain weight and become obese.

    In addition, your fur baby may lose hair and become lethargic and exhausted.

    Vets recommend medication for hypothyroidism.

    • Risk of cancers and complications

    Studies show that spaying increases the risk of developing severe canine malignancies like hemangiosarcoma and lymphoma.

    Hemangiosarcoma affects the heart and spleen, which ordinarily would have been shielded by the reproductive organs.

    Another potential risk of spaying is if it is done incorrectly or at the wrong age.

    There's a risk for irregular bone growth, urinary incontinence, and bone cancer.

    The surgery may also alter how the reproductive parts look.

    Related: 10 Cat Breeds That Get Along With Dogs

    Pros of Neutering

    spaying and neutering
    • Reduces marking or spaying

    Your male pet's desire to "mark" their territory can be avoided through neuter procedures.

    For dog owners, you may have caught your pup lifting their leg and spraying.

    It's common for intact males to mark your home. 

    • Lessen the risk of roaming

    Neutered pets have a lesser chance of roaming, and they can avoid fights with other pets.

    They're significantly less likely to get contagious infections from outside.

    • Reduces the risk of testicular cancer and prostate diseases

    Another benefit of neutering is that neutered animals typically experience fewer health issues.

    Since the testicles are removed during neutering, testicular cancer is no longer a concern.

    Therefore, the danger of prostate issues is decreased without these organs.

    Testicular implants are an option for individuals who want to sterilize their pets but don't want to change their appearance.

    • Decreases aggressiveness

    Early neutering of males results in less aggressive behaviour toward other male pets.

    They're also less distracted by females in heat.

    • Possibility of longevity and a healthier life

    According to a study based on the medical data of more than 70,000 dogs, neutered male dogs had a 13.8% longer life expectancy.

    In comparison, spayed female dogs had a 26.3% longer life expectancy. 

    Intact dogs died on average at 7.9 years of age, but altered dogs died at a noticeably older age of 9.4 years.

    • Assists in population control

    Pet statistics from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) show that the number of animals brought into animal shelters annually in the United States is at about 6.3 million.

    About 3.2 million are cats, while dogs make up about 3.1 million. 

    Approximately 920,000 animals in shelters are put to death every year, with 390,000 of that number being dogs and 530,000 being cats.

    Pet overpopulation can be reduced through neuter surgeries.

    Cons of Neutering

    • Sterilisation

    Same as spaying, neutering your pets will end their lineage.

    Thus, don't neuter dogs if you intend to breed your pet.

    • Aesthetics

    Because their testicles are gone, your pet will look different.

    If you're bothered by the lack of these organs, ask your vet about testicular implants.

    • Plausible weight gain

    Some animals put on weight following neuter services.

    Reducing their food intake or upping their activity level can help stop the weight increase.

    Spaying and Neutering, MrFluffyfriend

    Should I Spay or Neuter My Pets?

    Reproductive hormones influence mating behaviours that many pet owners may find undesirable, but they also impact your pet's general health and can be helpful.

    These hormones are removed when your pet's ovaries or testicles are removed, which might increase the risk of serious health problems like cancer and urinary incontinence. 

    Discuss the health benefits and disadvantages of sterilisation with your local veterinarian to make an educated choice.

    Spaying and neutering are serious surgical procedures, but the good news is that they're also the most frequent operations performed on cats and dogs by veterinarians.

    Sterilisation has some anaesthetic and surgical risks, like any surgical operation, although the general incidence of problems is relatively low.

    When to Spay or Neuter My Pet?

    Your pet receives a complete physical examination at the animal hospital before the treatment to ensure they're in good health.

    The operation is performed with your pet under general anaesthesia and painkillers.

    After the surgery, you'll need to keep your pet calm and rested while the incision heals. 

    Make sure to make them as comfortable as possible and use an anxiety-relieving bed.

    Contrary to popular opinion, waiting until your female pup or kitty has had her first heat cycle may not be the best time.

    Related: What To Do if Your Dog Has Anxiety?


    If your dog is suffering from anxiety and showing bad behaviour, what they probably need is attention and training.

    Spaying and neutering shouldn’t be used as a tool to change or fix behavioural issues!


    De-sexing your pet appears worthwhile because the pros of spaying and neutering exceed the cons.

    Planning to spay or neuter your pets while they're young is a good idea, but you shouldn't rush into it.

    Also, make sure to prepare to take care of your baby post-surgery.

    Always consult a veterinarian before deciding on your pet's health and welfare.

    Ultimately, it would be your decision if you'll have your Fluffy Friend spayed or neutered.

    And we hope that we have helped you with your decision.

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    Here are some useful products in relation to this blog post:

    MrFluffyFriend - Anxiety Relieving Pet Bed

    MrFluffyFriend - Adjustable Dog Bowls


    • We have always spayed and neutered all our animals. It stops a lot of spraying and roaming and bad behaviour. Some of our dogs still barked but as warning a stranger was on our property mostly.
      Pepper the dog we have now was a rescue who was not trained to not bark. He was 3 years old and it took nearly 2 years to calm him down. He still barks when birds come to our feeder or squirms run along top of our fence. One squirrel we call Percy is a unmerciful tease and urges Pepper on. We try to tell him he is wasting his time chasing birds and squirrels as they are higher and faster than he is to no avail. He is now going on 14 and is a healthy dog. We love him even if he still barks sometimes🐾🐾❤️

      Yvonne Nairn
    • I always have my cats and dogs neutered and spayed cats at six months as recommended in the UK and dogs, makes when the testicles are developed in males and females they have one season then are spayed in the middle of the cycle which is three months. Partly for health reasons like cancer and the other is there are so many unwanted animals already I would never add to the burden.

      Tracy Farnath
    • I got both girls fixed although we are a little older and don’t get out as we would like . They have put on some weight we just put the golden on a diet . The Shepard is on the border. So take that into account. And have a happy furry freind!!!

    • Great info

      Gail Spears
    • I believe in spaying our pets. It saves so many unwanted litters. And where the animal shelters are concerned. They are so over run with unwanted.unnessesary litters and pets. These animals are supposed to be our loved pet’s. NOT money making machines.

      Dee Grace

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