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Cat Microchipping: Why You Should Do It

As a cat owner, you want to ensure that your Fluffy Friend is always safe and secure.

Unfortunately, cats can sometimes go missing, which can be a stressful and upsetting experience for you and your pet.

Cat Microchip

This is where cat microchipping comes in. Microchipping your cat is a simple and effective way to increase the chances of being reunited with your pet if they ever get lost.

In this post, we'll discuss what cat microchipping is and how it works. Additionally, we'll answer the frequently asked questions about cat microchipping.

What Is Cat Microchipping?

Cat Microchip


Microchip technology is everywhere, from your computers and mobile phones to wild animal implants.

Microchips can track movement or contain identity data.

Different kinds of microchips operate depending on what they are used for.

In the case of pet microchips, these are intended to serve as a permanent form of identification.

They are tiny—approximately the size of a grain of rice.

Still, microchips do not actively send any information.

Your cat microchip only passively stores a unique identifying number that a specialised microchip scanner can read.

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Importance of Cat Microchipping

One of the best ways to keep felines safe when they're out and about is to microchip them.

Tags and collars are easily removed or lost.

However, microchips are irreversible and incredibly successful at identifying your furry companion.

Microchipping cats only works if you maintain your contact information current.

You must update the database you're registered with if you move homes or change your phone number.

How Microchipping Works

The sterile chip is scanned before insertion to ensure the transponder identifying code matches the one on the package's barcode label. 

Your pet is then prepared for the injection after the needle with the microchip is inserted into a syringe or applicator.

The typical microchip insertion site for cats is the loose tissue between the shoulder blades. 

Your cat should be standing or reclining on their stomach for proper positioning.

The needle is swiftly inserted after the subcutaneous skin between the shoulder blades is carefully pulled up. 

The microchip is injected into the tissue by depressing the applicator trigger.

Finally, your moggy is scanned to verify that the chip reads correctly after insertion.

Don’t forget to make your kitty comfortable while travelling home with a soft pet blanket.

How Much Does Cat Microchipping cost?

Cat Microchip


Depending on where you live, the cost ranges from £20 - £30 in the UK.

For further information, ask your local veterinarian or contact a cat rescue organisation in your community.

Some charities and cat rescue groups can microchip your cat for less or even for free.

Also, some rescue groups like Cats Protection include the microchipping fee in the adoption cost.

When Should Cats Get Microchipped? 

According to multiple sources, starting on 10 June 2024, cats must be microchipped in England, bringing the laws into line with those governing dogs.

Since 2016, microchips have been required for canine pets in the UK, making reuniting lost or stolen animals with their owners considerably simpler.

Owners must ensure their feline companion is microchipped when they are 20 weeks old.

Additionally, Cats Protection mentions that many cats are microchipped simultaneously with neutering or spaying.

Cat owners who fail to microchip their pets by the deadline should do so within a 21 period.

Otherwise, they risk fines of up to £500.

Also, owners who fail to update the contact information stored in microchip databases may be subject to fines.

How to Register a Cat Microchip?

Once your pet has been microchipped, the government-approved database receives your contact information.

You should then receive documentation regarding your chip.

Your pet's identification number and the database where it is registered should be listed here.

Many microchip databases exist.

The databases will be able to tell you where you registered your pet.

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Will Microchipping Hurt My Cat?

Cat Microchip


Microchipping your cat is not harmful.

Your kitty will be conscious when microchipped, similar to an injection.

This is because the majority of animals won't even realise what happened!

Still, it doesn’t hurt to keep your feline in their comfy pet bed after getting microchipped. 

A feeding toy also helps calm them down after their procedure.

Usually, your cat's microchip won't move.

Then again, you can feel it between your cat's shoulder blades.

Every time your pet visits the vet for a check-up, the doctor can verify that the microchip is functional and in the proper location.

Of course, you can also add a microchip cat flap in your home.

This device only opens whenever it detects your cat’s chip.

The flap will stay closed and help keep out wildlife, even other felines.

It's similar to giving your cat a door key.

Microchip cat flaps range in price from £55 to £170 and offer several features.

Some features include a notification when your cat enters or exits.

If your family has multiple cats, a microchip pet feeder may also be for you.

Each feeder is customised to each cat's microchip.

The feeder ensures that each cat can only eat the food placed out for them.

This is especially helpful if your cat is on a prescription diet or you detect one of your feline friends taking food from the other.

Related: Spaying and Neutering: We Help You Decide

Exemptions to Cat Microchipping

According to an article by Forbes, the new microchipping laws will not apply to cats who have little interaction with people.

These are typically farm or wild cats.

Moreover, cat microchipping is currently not mandatory in Scotland.

However, given the importance and benefits of cat microchipping, owners are strongly advised to consider chipping their pets.

Related: Cat Behaviour Problems: How To Solve Them

Cat Microchip


Cat microchipping is a safe, effective and reliable way to help ensure your Fluffy Friend's safety and well-being.

Microchipping your cat increases the chances of being reunited with your pet if they ever get lost and provides peace of mind for you as a pet owner.

By microchipping your cat, you can help protect them and provide them with a permanent form of identification that can last a lifetime.

Remember, microchipping your cat is a small investment in their safety and is a responsible action to take as a loving and caring pet owner. 

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Here are some useful products in relation to this blog post:

MrFluffyFriend - Comfortable Pet Blanket

MrFluffyFriend - Anxiety Relieving Pet Bed

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